Good news and believe me it is about time the Anthony Nolan Trust found me an anonymous donner and it gets better a one hundred percent match all I know is the donner is a British twenty-eight-year-old male this is fantastic news.
The transplant date is set for late October 2023 so I am looking forward to getting started then I get that horrible call sorry Ian there's been a delay more testing is required for the donner November has now come and gone and I haven't heard anything I have get the call from Sam my csn it looks like December is now going to be the transplant date then it dawned on me I would be in Barts for Christmas to be fair Christmas at home wasn't going to be the same this year for myself and Jennie due to me having to self isolate no family visits no friends visiting very strange no alcohol.
The call came right Ian we are good to go on the 29th of December admission day transplant is booked for the 5th of January day zero I like to think of this as my new birthday in many respects it is.
I have now started the conditioning drugs for the transplant and the anti-rejection drugs well let's say they did some strange things to me transplant day has arrived to be honest it was a bit of an anti-climax a big bag of salmon-coloured liquid was put into me on the back of my hand two hours later all done well that was easy I thought to my self.
The next day woke up and had to say I wasn't feeling great noticed I had a dry cough but did not think much about it nurse came in to give me a mouth swab ten minutes later a nurse came back sorry to tell you Ian but you have got aviant influenza I was moved off the ward and to be honest things went downhill rapidly I have never felt so ill I thought I was going to die this was a very difficult time for Jennie and me these were very dark days that seemed to last forever.